Evaluation & Community Impact


Our outcomes are beginning to show that our model has a profound impact on survivors’ growth in communities where individuals have struggled for high-quality resources and proper and effective support services. Nataleigh House of Hope measures effectiveness through several overlapping methods: pre and post surveys (from participants and staff), interim quality assessments, and end of program interviews and focus groups

Based on our evaluation results, our partnerships with families and community institutions are resulting in many, overlapping positive outcomes: increased life skills, knowledge, and communication of needs and requirements; improved motivation to seek assistance and resources; and higher levels of understanding and support for our families and communities. These factors are instrumental in creating support for survivors of domestic violence to achieve independent living and support themselves and their families.

Community Impact

Nataleigh House of Hope’s founder, Victoria Oguagha, has informally supported the recovery and development of countless women in the area. Going so far as to open her home to women seeking refuge countless times, connecting them to employment and housing, driving clothing donation efforts, and coordinating critical item support services (such as distributing blankets, clothes, feminine products, and diapers) with community partners, including a local missionary.

Under Victoria’s strategic leadership, Nataleigh House of Hope is well-positioned to improve and grow the availability of services needed by high-need individuals in the Cobb County area. With your support, we will reach over 100 survivors and their families this year and create an arc of change for generations to come. Together, we can break this cycle.